Yurich Piano Studio Policy Letter

Yurich Piano Studio
Policy Letter

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to teach your child.  I look forward to giving your child an excellent piano and music appreciation education.  I consider it a privilege to be involved in this aspect of your child’s life.  I have been teaching for private piano for 16 years and I have a Masters degree in education.  My experience will help give your child a fantastic experience with the piano and beyond as piano is a gateway instrument into many other instruments.  Music is a lifelong hobby.  It is an enduring gift you are giving to your child.  In order to ensure the musical progress of your child, I would like to share the following information with you before we being piano lessons:

I.  Parental Involvement
A. PRACTICE:  Regularity of practice and good concentration during practice times are absolutely essential to good progress.  Please set a definite period for practice, and see that your child has privacy while practicing.  Since fruitful practice requires a high degree of concentration, it is important that the student is not distracted by siblings or common household noises. Regarding practice, I require the student to 1) Practice at least 5 days per week, and 2) Each day of practice complete the assignments that I write on the assignment sheet.  Note:  Beginners may require supervision and guidance from parents during the early stages of practicing.
B. ENCOURAGEMENT:  Be aware that good practice habits are acquired over a period of years as a result of the student’s cooperation and my constant training.  Encourage your child by letting her know that you enjoy hearing her practice.  If not, eventually a child may not want to practice when she thinks that it is annoying to others.  It is both the parents’ and my role to give encouragement to the child and to help him/her have pleasure and interest in seeing personal musical progress.  I will attempt to give students a well-rounded musical education by including all periods of music from Baroque to Twentieth Century and various aspects of music such as theory, history, technique, etc. when appropriate.  Your attitude toward your child’s music and studies helps to mold him/her musical likes and dislikes.  Please encourage your child to do the best he/she can in all of the music.
C. PROMPTNESS AND PREPAREDNESS:  Please ensure that your child adheres to his/her lesson time.  Arriving early or leaving late can disrupt another student.  In addition, have your child check her music before leaving home in order to be sure that he/she has the proper materials for the lesson (music books, metronome, theory book, lined notebook, and pencil).  I suggest that the student has a designated bag to hold the materials.  In addition, please ensure that your child’s hands are washed before arriving for the lesson. 
D. ATTENDING LESSONS:  Please attend the lessons whenever possible.  There are several benefits of you attending the lesson; you observe progress firsthand, you personally learn about music, you understand exactly what I am teaching and requiring of your student, and you will be better informed in order to encourage proper practicing at home.  Please do not make any comments during the lesson.  Do not let friends or siblings attend the lesson with your child.  The fewer distractions there are during the lesson, the better the lesson will be.
E. PIANO AND METRONOME:  Please be sure your piano is tuned and in good working order.  A metronome is required beginning the first lesson and week of practice.  If needed, you may contact me for referrals to piano tuners and metronome vendors.
F. COMMUNICATION:  Problems that may arise concerning the child’s interest or progress should not be discussed in the presence of the child.  Please discuss your observations with me privately.  I appreciate and value your concerns.  Open communication between us is essential for a good music education for your child.

II.  Studio Items
A. INSTRUCTION:  As a part of the Yurich Piano Studio, your student will receive a well-rounded piano education through:
    1. Private Piano Lessons (including theory, technique, and sightreading)
    2. Music Appreciation Lending Library (books, CDs, & DVDs/videos)
    3. Performance Opportunities
    4. Specialized Summer Lessons (composition, hymns, jazz, duets, etc.)
B. REGISTRATION, TUITION, AND MATERIALS & ACTIVITIES DEPOSIT:  Please complete and return the Registration Form by September 1 of each year. For information on Tuition and the Materials & Activities Deposit, please read the separate, Tuition Statement. 
C. SUMMER LESSONS:  The summer schedule runs from June through September consists of 8 private lessons which will be scheduled at times that are convenient to both your schedule and mine.  Summer tuition is half of the school year cost.  The summer provides a wonderfully productive time for special projects because double lessons and/or closely scheduled lessons offer continuity and intensity that is not possible during the school year.  Regardless of when lessons are scheduled, tuition (half) is still due at by the 7th of each month.
D. MAKE-UP LESSONS:  Make-up lessons will not be given for canceled or missed lessons except for those canceled by the teacher.  No exceptions. To facilitate a make-up lesson for an expected absence from an upcoming lesson, please call me a week in advance for names and phone numbers of other students who may be able to switch lesson times with you for the missed lesson week only.  In the case of serious illness that would cause the student to miss lessons for an extended period of time, special arrangements can be made.
E. GOALS & ASSIGNMENTS:  Your student will have a goal sheet specific to her age, level, and ability.  This sheet has goals for your child to aim for throughout the semester/summer session.  Also, your child will have a weekly assignment sheet to check off and bring to the next lesson.  Please feel free to discuss these goals and assignments with me outside of the lesson.
F. EVALUATIONS & PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE:  In January you will receive a written evaluation of your student’s progress.  At the end of May we will schedule a brief parent/teacher conference during a lesson (to be attended by you and your student), and we will review a written evaluation of your child’s progress.  At that time, you will also be given a teacher/studio evaluation to complete at your convenience.

I trust the above information will assist you as we guide your child on the journey of music-making.  I am very glad to be teaching your child, and I hope that our association proves to be a long and valuable one.  Please keep in close contact with me as this will help me to teach your child in the best possible way.
Virginia Yurich